Saturday, December 7, 2019

Сводка для группы - Сообщений: 10 в Тем: 4

Const <>: Dec 07 09:36AM -0800

> А человека, который придумал ставить в общественных туалетах краны с
> водой на, типа, 0.35 GPM для мытья рук - нужно публично посадить на кол,
> с трансляцией по телевидению.
Проблеск нормальности от Кривицкого.
Воистину странно.
Const <>: Dec 07 09:41AM -0800

> >>
> > Ну, даже Трамп иногда бывает прав.
> Удивительно - даже когда он прав, он все равно douche bag.
А ты его не целуй, ты даже на него не смотри.
Просто смотри на акты и на экономику.
somnambulic <>: Dec 07 10:40AM -0800

On 12/7/19 2:19 AM, 999Vulcan wrote:
>> Ну, даже Трамп иногда бывает прав.
> что, ты тоже по пятнадцать раз смываешь?
ты бруклинские сортиры видел? конечно 15.
999Vulcan <>: Dec 07 10:54AM -0800

On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 1:40:54 PM UTC-5, somnambulic wrote:
> >> Ну, даже Трамп иногда бывает прав.
> > что, ты тоже по пятнадцать раз смываешь?
> ты бруклинские сортиры видел?
экономные бруклинские сортиры попахивает антисемитизмом
Const <>: Dec 07 09:40AM -0800

> зрения - все не пчелы. Да и пчелы - тоже не пчелы. Да и подлодок никаких
> нет. Кто их докажет - те подлодки.
> А вот с естесственнонаучной точки зрения - ну процентов 80 я бы дал.
Многовато, надо урезать.
> ДальшеЮ разумеется, возникает вопрос - ну и что? И на него - тоже проценты.
> А вот скажите мне лучше, как выдающийся статист-ик. Как правильно подгонять
> данные с экспоненциально распределенными ошибками? И какие существуют
Мне непонятно, что это такое.
> критерии достоверности модели?
Так Вам гипотезу о принадлежности распределения к семейству
надо проверить или таки оценивать параметры, предполагая,
что семейство известно ?
"Oleg Smirnov" <>: Dec 07 07:18PM +0300
America's Economy Is on a Steady Decline
.. We predict that there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth...
Young men will throw stones... old men will dream ugly dreams... and
the lamb will be devoured by the lion... when the nation goes broke ..
Funding speculators
When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, U.S. government debt stood at
31% of GDP. Now, it's over 100%.
Total debt in the U.S. - public and private - was about $52 trillion
in 2007. Now, it's $73 trillion. The economy, meanwhile, rose from
about $14 trillion to $22 trillion.
In other words, total debt is now going up three times faster than GDP.
Government debt is growing almost twice as fast as GDP - from $9
trillion to $22 trillion since 2007.
As debt levels increase, growth slows. Why? Because debt is an
obligation that the future owes to the past. As it increases, there is
less left over to drive an expansion. Let's look at it in more detail.
When the Fed lends fake money at fake rates, much of it goes right into
financial speculation. Asset prices go up. The honest information
capitalism needs to flourish is distorted. Real capital investment,
productivity, and growth decline.
Then too, at ultra-low rates, corporations find it is easier to pass
out the fake money to shareholders than to do the hard work of expanding
markets and improving products.
Over the last 10 years, for example, approximately 100% of additional
corporate debt has been used to buy back shares.
New factories weren't built. New businesses weren't started. Good jobs
weren't created. Real wealth was not produced. That's why real before-tax
corporate profits have been flat for the last seven years. But during
that same time, shareholders doubled their money.
Fake-money scheme in the economy
Consumer debt is different. Households can't borrow at ultra-low rates.
And they operate on a pay-as-you-go basis; they pay their interest
expenses in time on the job. There's only so much time available;
eventually, they run out.
That is what happened in 2007; they hit their limit. It's why final
sales are so weak now. And it's part of the low-unemployment story;
desperate for income, consumers take multiple low-paying jobs just to
make ends meet. Again, the economy slows as households find it tough to
continue spending.
That leaves the biggest pile of debt of all - government. The feds can,
theoretically, borrow until the cows come home. But the feds don't produce
wealth. And the more they borrow, the more time and resources they take
out of the real economy and squander on boondoggles, bamboozles, and B.S.
This, too, slows the growth of the economy and makes people poorer.
Remember, the feds' fake money is a claim on real time and resources.
At first, the fake-money scheme is just a way of redistributing wealth -
from the middle classes to the rich. Wealthy asset holders become more
wealthy as the Fed boosts asset prices.and the wealthy use them to claim
houses, lawn care, automobiles, and other real-world goods and services.
Gradually, though, the economy slows, and real output declines... then,
the feds 'print' more and more money to try to keep up with soaring
But take it easy... the whole process takes time ..
"Oleg Smirnov" <>: Dec 07 08:18PM +0300
Understanding The U.S. Economy: Lots Of Rotten Jobs
.. lots of jobs, but they are increasingly low-quality jobs .. the
quality of the stock of jobs on offer has been deteriorating for the
last 30 years ..
So, when .. the administration trumpets "the best economy in history,"
we will know why that isn't true .. The quality of jobs today is ..
much worse than it was in 1990s and the early 2000s. ..
The U.S. manufacturing workforce has declined dramatically .. from 23%
of total US civilian employment in 1970 to just 8% in May 2019 ..
"Lost manufacturing jobs were chiefly replaced by lower-wage / lower-
hours service jobs." The decline in U.S. job quality over the past three
decades is closely associated with the decline in manufacturing jobs ..
The idea .. was that the U.S. economy would take the high value work ..
while Asian economies would be left with the low-value 'workshop,'
building the products. "This theory has been proven to be incorrect ..
What were policy makers thinking while all th0se high-quality
manufacturing jobs were being shipped to other countries? A clue comes
from the remark attributed to Michael Boskin Chairman of President
George H. W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisors: "It doesn't make any
difference whether a country makes computer chips or potato chips!"
"Service-driven economy" for your decline.
Dmitry Krivitsky <>: Dec 07 12:22PM -0500

On 12/7/2019 11:18 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> America's Economy Is on a Steady Decline
"Oleg Smirnov" <>: Dec 07 08:57PM +0300
.. Millennials ..
The First Generation in America to Live in Poverty and Precarity
Since the Great Depression
.. A truly shocking statistic <> .. Boomers
held 21% of American wealth at age 35. Gen X, 8%. Millennials?
Just 3%. .. They're 25% of the total population. .. Those are the
numbers of social collapse. .. Millennials have borne the brunt
of America's imploded economy and failing society. ..
America's failed in three key ways.
First, incomes haven't risen in half a century. But costs have
been skyrocketing since about the late 1980s. Millennials are
caught in the pincers of that trap hardest. .. The truth is that
nobody - nobody can afford to live a decent life on an average
American income anymore. ..
Second, the economy offers people no upward mobility anymore - no
real shot at a better life. The average American will live a
worse life than his or her grandparents - no matter what they do ..
That is because upward mobility has all but vanished .. the middle
class imploded. America is now something very much like a caste
society of a tiny number of ultra rich, a very large number of new
poor, and a smaller number of old poor. .. Born rich? You might
become super rich. Born middle class? Welcome to the new poor.
Born poor? Welcome to the very bottom. .. Life expectancy falls.
Real income falls. Savings fall .. Happiness falls. Anxiety rises.
Depression soars. Suicide surges. ..
Third, the middle class careers and industries of the past have
been utterly destroyed, and there's no real way to make an honest
living anymore. ..
Now there's a simpler way to put all that. Millennials are
America's first truly poor generation. They are the ones living at
the inflection point of American decline and collapse ..
CF <>: Dec 07 06:39PM +0300

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